Social Re-engineering: Redefining Pronouns and the Stranglehold of Queer Apologists on Man Today

Jeremiah Genesis Ezra
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Social Re-engineering: Redefining Pronouns and the Stranglehold of Queer Apologists on Man Today

My brain sends this in just now. Seems like a great research topic. I heard in Scotland "Children as young as four will be able to change their gender at school without their parents’ consent under guidance introduced in Scotland.

Any pupil who decides they want to switch gender must be supported and listened to in school following the Scottish Government advice.

The guidance applies in primary schools, where the youngest children are only four or five, because ‘recognition and development of gender identity can occur at a young age".

Funny, right? A four year old being thrust into such toxic system. You know how confusing it sounds listening to apologists of this Neo-liberal madness? Imagine taking your sweet four year old daughter to school - and one morning she wakes up and say "Dad, from today I want to be refers to as a they or a them or ze? Remember, this popular saying that "Nigeria happened to us?" Yesterday, I was online and I heard Prof. Raji Fashola said Nigerians who are victims of the dysfunction in our society should quit saying "Nigeria happened to us" cos it somehow sends a wrong message about the country to the outside world. Exactly what is happening with these people - they've legislations to jail parents who protest against this social re-engineering. You're being haunted by a minute group and they're barring you from your right to protest. Only the LGBTQ community has the right to protest. In the voice of Nigerian Nollywood actor, Junior Pope "who does that?"

Before I talk about "Queer Apologists" let us lay the foundation to that. Who are Queers? In fact, what is Queer Theory? Do you know we have Queer theology today?

"Queer Theory is an interdisciplinary field that encourages one to look at the world through new avenues. It is a way of thinking that dismantles traditional assumptions about gender and sexual identities, challenges traditional academic approaches, and fights against social inequality" Now, we must not kid ourselves here, this theory doesn't just "encourages look at new avenues", it actually forces one to accept "non traditional assumptions about gender and sexual identities etc.

I want to tell you about my personal experience with a closet gay Youth Corps Member. I think it was in 2009. I was a student of the then COE, Jalingo. One day, after tiresome lecture hours, I was on my way home when this young man beckoned on me to come. He was selling men's clothes by the school gates.He asked about my name. I later found out he was actually doing his Youth Service in the College. He offered me a seat and when I sat, he started caressing my arm - immediately, I got the memo. It was uncomfortable to be honest. Then suddenly he asked ~ Collins dear, why aren't you hairy? Unfortunately for me I had already given him more than enough information about where I stay. Around 7pm, I was called to come see someone at the gate and to my surprise, there he was, Corper Yele in the flesh. I frozed. So, the dismantling of this traditional sexual identities is here too. 

It is not enough that the Yeles of this world engage in the "dismantling of orthodox social constructs" but the fact they're now blackmailing the whole universe to do their biddings is troubling. For instance, a recent study showed that "in transgender youth, using the correct pronouns and names reduces depression and suicide risks". What does that tell you? That these people who refused all entreaties to adhere to conventional wisdom suddenly want people antithetical to their deviant views about sexual preference and gender identity to accept their sexual and gender orientation with no questions asked - who does that?

When you check through our literatures today, you see traces of queerness and LGBTQ themed texts and movies everywhere - now the normalization of these absurdities makes it almost impossible to not filter through our orthodox communities of children as young as four years old. In Wole Soyinka's award winning novel - The Interpreters, there is a biracial gay character named Joe Golder. The CBS drama series - How to Get Away with Murder had the Viola Davis played the role of a powerful bisexual law attorney - bisexual because she does all gender - male or female. That series is a classic. And aside her, there were other gay and lesbian characters in the TV series that is watchef by millions of people on cable network and stream online. Now, imagine the damage that series and a host of others are doing in especially re-engineering the minds of ignorant children - because we hardly adhere to the so called Parental Guidance must adult themed movies preached especially due to how easy it is to stream videos online. There are catalogue of such queer products online and in hard copies.

For the LGBT community, their preferred pronouns are - "they", "them" and "ze" or "zie". Let's talk about the conventional pronouns. Pronouns are words used instead of nouns. Of course, some pronouns are gender specific. For instance, he, him, and his are masculine pronouns, whereas her is a feminine pronoun. But, for the LGBTQ community, they've somehow redefine these pronouns. In fact, this community feels "calling or referring to someone whose physical structure says he or she is a woman whereas the person identifies as the opposite of those biological features is wrong and capable of throwing one into "depression or the risk of being a suicide victim". So, they'll rather be addressed with these pronouns - they, them, ze or zie in cases where their names aren't known. Now, they've redefine these traditional plural pronouns to suit their queer narrative. 

Of course, cases of depression and suicide is high among the LGBT community. Is that a sign that their dismantling of the traditional constructs is taking a toll on this minute community? The Catholic Church considers homosexuality to be "intrinsically disordered" and so those most orthodox faiths. In fact, as far as the church is concerned "marriage can only happen between a man and a woman".

Same sex marriage is funny in some ways actually. Of course, science and technology have afforded other unconventional way of child bearing to man. But, isn't it funny that a gay couple is running around looking for kids to foster or adopt? Why can you bear your own children? And why would you go and adopt a child then somehow - implicitly or explicitly force your transgenderism on an innocent child who ordinarily should be given the freewill to decide "his" or "her" on path in life? There are indeed a lot of questions begging for answers. But, we must continue to ask these questions.

People going through midlife crisis would just wake up one day and say "I am not comfortable in this body" and "I want to transition from being a man into a woman or from a woman into a man". Then they'll have chemical pumped into their system. And go under the knife. And next is they're going through mental breakdown because suddenly the "new body" too is not doing the trick. Next thing is that you'll hear, there is an active shooter in a shopping mall or a school filled with terrified kids and teachers. When you ask - why? Some disgruntled transwoman or queer apologists was bullied to depression and the consequences after unproductive therapy sessions is mass shootings. Now lives are lost because someone has daddy issues, mommy issues or low self esteem. Don't we normal people battle with that daily?

Now, whether we like it or not we're better off with not having to dismantle our values and traditional social constructs. We can relearn, unlearn and learn new ways that'll shape the modern world to be better without resorting to being celebrated apologists of Queerness. Before I leave, I'll want to say this - that we cannot afford to keep quiet. I'll leave you with the words of activist, Dele Farotimi ~ there can be no elders in the land when the newborn's head is crooked behind the mother's back. You straighten it. 

~ Collins Columba Nobri


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