Kefas: Wukari Vowed To Stand By Their Own

Jeremiah Genesis Ezra
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2 minute read

Although it was as on short notice, it was amazing how Wukari citizens trooped out to welcome their son of the soil, PDP candidate Lt Col Agbu Kefas (rtd). It was a unanimous verdict: Wukari believe it is their time in the annals of the state's record. 

By close to midday, the cavernous convoy of the Colonel had snaked into Wukari from Jalingo. A ten minutes movement stretched into hours as the loaded entourage Waltz into the ancient city.

Virtually everyone came out from the lowly to the mighty. Even some physically challenged hobbled along on one leg or bad legs. Women and children lined the streets reminiscent of old times when dignitaries came to town. Waving and permanently smiling, Kefas was clearly at home with his people.

The first stop was at the Aku of Wukari Palace where the pomp and pageantry of the capital of the Kwararafa empire was in full bloom. The new paramount ruler of the Jukuns was at hand to welcome his son and entourage to the palace. Alongside his chiefs, the new ruler, in his speech, admonished people in power to always remember the masses. Kefas had earlier said he was at the palace to officially present himself as the candidate.

Later at the St Mary primary school football field, it was a historic scene as virtually everyone turned up at the rally. Speakers were unanimous that Kefas has the support of the local government and the entire Jukun nation. In his remarks, Kefas noted that the event was a simple one of homecoming. He noted that he's a son of the soil.  And that the overwhelming support he witnessed has spurred him on in his resolve. 

It was a generally great outing and one that will remain indelible in the history of the people.

~ Nelson Dimas For AAKMEDIA


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