How Renaissance Secondary School Zing Introduced Skills Programmes Is Equipping Students For The Future

Jeremiah Genesis Ezra
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How Renaissance Secondary School Zing Introduced Skills Programmes Is Equipping Students For The Future

A visit to Renaissance Secondary School on Monday have left me awe with some of the wondrous works done by the students of the school. Even though the school is located at Zing Local government many may think that it is not possible to have this sort of knowledge in this kind of place, but with Renaissance Group of School, such dream is possible and can be achieved.

Speaking with the founder of the school who is also chairing as the principal Mr. Felix Pulevo he told Jeremy Spell Blog that "Renaissance is looking beyond the certificate and giving the child a skill which he or she will depend on it throughout their life's time" he made emphasis on how young graduates lingers around the country without anything doing waiting for white collar jobs. But acquiring a skill in your young age will go a long way in feeding you he added.

While strolling around the school Jeremy Spell Blog picked some available pictures of these students engaging in some of these skills acquisition programmes. Check out some of these pictures below

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