"Before I Start Learning Disc Jockey Work In Jalingo, A Lot Discouraged Me, Only Few Supported Me" - DJ Berry

Jeremiah Genesis Ezra
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"Before I Start Learning Disc Jockey Work In Jalingo, A Lot Discouraged Me, Only Few Supported Me" - DJ Berry

Aspiring Female Disc Jockey, DJ Berry have aired out her experience when she told her friends and families about being a Disc Jockey. According to the young lady when she started the Disc Jockey work she received a lot of negative comments from friends and families, Jeremy Spell Blog quote the already made DJ saying "Most of them told me only males are allowed to venture into this type of work, while others told me that it won't fit me

But the young lady surprised all of them by focusing and taking her passion by the horn to see that it is achieve at last. The DJ who wished to have her own studio and necessary gadgets for her work had DJonetwenty, and DJpeedon as tutors.

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