Peace: A Panacea Of Hope - Suleiman Usman Nyaja

Jeremiah Genesis Ezra
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Peace: A Panacea Of Hope - Suleiman Usman Nyaja

Violence is impractical because it is a descending spiral ending in destruction for all. It is immoral because it seeks to humiliate the opponent rather than win his understanding: it seeks to annihilate rather than convert. 

Violence is immoral because it thrives on hatred rather than love. It destroys community and makes brotherhood impossible. 

It leaves society in monologue rather than dialogue. Violence ends up defeating itself. 

It creates bitterness in the survivors and brutality in the destroyers.

It is always said that modern problems require modern solution. 

For about three weeks the country has been mounted with so much agitations and strive that has caused so much friction between the government and the people. Lives were lost and properties destroyed.

We witnessed anarchy in the last days where people have no regard for the law and constituted authority.

Every citizen in Nigeria has the right to express their inconvenience to the government but the Channel to do so is what has always been the issue.

The Government of Taraba state has always ensured that it puts the citizens first and protect them from insurrection and external troublers and insurgency. It's real as it dealt with many clashes and put a halt to a rave of kidnappings that ravaged the state.

The Mantra " Give me peace and I'll give you development" has been the fulcrum of the government in carrying out its social contract for the people. 

The Permanent Secretary Bureau Local Government and Chieftancy Affairs Alhaji Bello Yero, has appealed to many youths to stay away from looting of properties and protect the heritage of the state from being destroyed, the government in turn is going to do all in its power to ensure that it continues to serve the people and protect them from harm and criminals. 

He further stated that the Judicial panel inaugurated by His Excellency ensure that it covered all fields and equal representation to ensure an expedient disposal of Justice to aggrieved parties. 

He further sent his heartfelt condolences to those who lost lives and properties during this process and promised that defaulters will be brought to book.

We are all we have so let's embrace peace and tranquility to ensure that we carry our state to the highest pinnacle of success.


Suleiman Usman Nyaja 

B..Y Media

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