Jalingo Community Basketball Initiative: Group Aimed At Developing Basketball In Jalingo
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July 21, 20203 minute read
Jalingo Community Basketball Initiative
The Jalingo Community Basketball Initiative is a Non Governmental and privately led initiative aimed at mobilizing people of interest to contribute to the development of the game in Jalingo Taraba state.
Basketball like all games played on courts suffer a major setback due to the lack of courts in most communities. Therefore, this initiative is aimed at addressing that issue by constructing standard basketball courts and donating them to schools. This will go a long way in helping more young people learn the game and train to become champions. It is our believe that sports is one of the many ways of engaging young to use their excess energy and keep them away from societal social vices such as drugs, crime among others.
The Challenge
The biggest challenge of the game of basketball in Jalingo is the availability of basketball courts in most communities. Basketball players have to travel long distances to find courts to train or the even learn. Most of those who play the game, learn how to play from their various secondary schools or tertiary institutions outside Jalingo. Therefore, in order to develop the game and promote it among youths, we need to help construct basketball courts closer to their communities.
The Idea
The whole idea is to collaborate with schools to donate land of 120ft x 70ft(36.5m x 21.3m), while Jalingo Community Basketball Initiative Team work to raise funds among Basketball lovers, Veterans, Players and the general public to fund the construction of the courts, erect both complete rim frame, fence the court and a scoreboard.
In order to accomplish this, an implementation team of 7 people will be constituted to drive the process and implement the vision.
Their role will include:
To liaise with the schools to provide the land for the construction of court.
To liaise with construction professionals and come up with a budget plan of what will be needed to construct and equipment the basketball court.
To mobilize for funds from willing donors (Basketball lovers, Veterans, Players and the general public).
To ensure the actual construction and equipping the courts.
To decide the number of schools in communities in Jalingo that can be entitled to own one.
The committee shall be responsible for proper management and accountable to all donors through constant reporting of progress made.
Among others.
To collaborate and raise support towards the development of the game of basketball in each community in Jalingo, by constructing new basketball courts in Government Schools in the communities.
Why Government Schools?
Government schools mostly have available sport fields that are not developed. Therefore this initiative seeks to partner with such schools with available space and are willing to make it available for the construction to happen.
What Donors are entitled to
Every Donors names will be inscribed on a Donor Recognition Wall by the side of the court. They shall also be entitled to project implementation report as the work project which will include how the funds are utilized. All Donors shall equally be invited to the commissioning and duly recognized.
The Process
Set up implementation Committee and a board of trustees
Register Jalingo Community Basketball Initiative with the Ministry of Youth and Sport.
Open a bank account with the name Jalingo Community Basketball Initiative
Work out a budget for the project
Secure approval from partnering government schools
Develop a website with social media handles
Start fundraising
Implement the project, one school at a time
Commissioning and handling over.
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