Jalingo Lover Pens Down Heart Touching Story Of His Relationship

Jeremiah Genesis Ezra
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Jalingo Lover Pens Down Heart Touching Story Of His Relationship

"I had a lover, we meet at loom and fell in love, that's all"

"Today marks the day I left my shadow to torment my heart, I never thought a day will come where I will be this alone" he added

"I've been heartbroken, depressed, pained and injured, she did nothing wrong, but did everything right to make the best out of me"

These were the words of Joshua Tsokwa to Mary saleh
The thrilling part in any relationship is to see it been posted on social media in the city of Jalingo
One funny part of it is where a culprit is been mocked and told that relationship won't last long and it will end in few days, weeks or months while the bitter truth of it is that any relationship that is meant to stay will stay.

In the case of Joshua Tsokwa he revealed the heart touching story of how his relationship went and how the pains he have suffered because he lost his relationship

In his recent post on his Facebook social media handle he said that "His Love story was actually a breakup but it turns to be a nice write up for a perfect relationship, I'm lost" he said

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