COVID-ORGANICS: Chad Takes Delivery Of Madagascar Coronavirus Cure | Africa News

Jeremiah Genesis Ezra
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1 minute read

“With respect to CovidOrganics, Madagascar is with his African brothers to heal and save lives. Our duty is to preserve the health of our people.
“Chad sent a plane to collect CVOdonations. Thanks to President Idriss Deby Itno for his confidence,” these sentences were in a tweet posted by by the Malagasy President Andry Rajoelina on Saturday, May 9.
Accompanying the text were photos of an official Chadian plane in Antananarivo to take delivery of the Covid-Organics medication that Madagascar insists cures the virus. A second version of it can act as a preventative measure, Rajoelina said weeks back.
The consignment is a donation from the Malagasy government to Chad as has been the case with previous donations sent to Equatorial Guinea, Guinea-Bissau (reportedly on behalf of ECOWAS, which the bloc has denied ordering for and or endorsing).
Tanzania, the Congos – Republic, Democratic Republic; have all been served the medication which till date is yet to be scientifically tested and or certified by any independent medical outfit.

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