KUCHICHEB FESTIVAL: Know More About The Annual Festival Of The Kutebs

Jeremiah Genesis Ezra
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The Kuchicheb festival is a cultural and religious festival and an annual festival of thanksgiving to Rimam (God) for his abundant blessing and for plentiful harvest in the forthcoming year. It is witnessed by prominent sons and daughters of Kuteb extraction.
Pictures From The Festival, PC: Google Images.

Kutebs have rich and varieties of cultural activities displayed during relevant seasons and occasional festivals. The festivities are either for opening and closing farming seasons or for death and birth among others. The famous is that of opening and closing farming season: "The Kuchicheb" a thanks giving festival for good harvest. It comes up every 25th day of March. It is celebrated by first making a pilgrimage to Ussa hill to receive fire and a procession back to Takum amidst Dances (sae) such as Sae Iki, Sae Kwop, Sae Rika, sae Iwen, Sae Utarong/ Kutaron, Sae Kufa, Sae Ipwein, Sae Pippi, Sae Rifyain, Sae Kumburu.
Pictures From Google Images

That Kuteb people originate from a man called Kuteb. Kuteb begat two sons, Ussa and Uppa. Ussa got married to Iyaka and this union yielded Likam, Ayigben (Yukuben), Acha, Arucwu, Rubur, Ticwo, Askean, and Lumbu. Uppa married Kufyentirimam and gave birth to Arufun, Bika, Atwean and Acwumam.These Grand children of Kuteb today represent the various clan names
Present Miss Kuteb International also celebrates the festival

The Kuteb Nation earlier known as "Ndetirikwen" or "Zompere" is believed to migrate from Egypt into the interior of Africa under a leader called Kuteb in about 1000 BC. They moved into Central Africa and eventually to West Africa through Cameroon and settled on and around the hills of present day Takum. The name "Kuteb" eventually became the name of the tribe and the name of his sons became the name of the clans. Their first capital was Ussa Hill named after one of Kutebs sons.

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