#MyHiddenWhispers: Who is Miss Jeremy? | Jeremy Spell Blog

Jeremiah Genesis Ezra
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Who is Miss Jeremy?

Posts and posts kept repeating itself on social media about My Miss Jeremy, Numerous people have asked me several times about her, many are eager to know her it is in this phase that i decided to let the cat out of the bag and tell you who is really the person behind my happiness


You wish me to write names like Vanessa, Esther, Joy, But unfortunately none are Miss Jeremy and none have ever been one.
Before i finally tell you who Miss Jeremy is, let me say this

"Many of our youths nowadays defined love in a dangerous way, How do you view love? What is your own thoughts about love? Is it all about hanging out, going to parties, staying with each other? No! Love is more than this far better than this. Do you notice that your got affection to someone you recently said yes to? What happen after a long period of time? Or likewise short period of time? You feel you no longer have feelings for that person!


Personally i viewed it as lack of communication and understanding, others might include lack of trust too.. ImagineYou're in relationship few weeks ago and you later found out that your partner is cheating on you!! Did he or she really cared about you? Did he or she trust you?
Often times we wrongly define relationship. Our parents might have give up if they did not understand their selves.

It is high time we view relationship as a positive contribution to our daily lives than use it to play our little pranks!

So dear, Jeremy is Single and he's happily waiting for his Miss Jeremy to come to his world and they will walk together holding each other hands and building their relationship on positivity.

Thank You For Reading My Article
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