Popular Taraba Gospel Rapper/Spoken Word Artiste Erik Nath Speaks On Gospel Hip-Hop In Nigeria | Jeremy Spell Blog

Jeremiah Genesis Ezra
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Erik Nath- Jeremy Spell Blog Photos
By Jeremiah Genesis Ezra (Jeremy)

"I can't write this piece without first of all appreciating every Nigerian Gospel Hiphop artist for answering the call, I believe the Gospel Hiphop stream has a bigger task than any sub genre of Hiphop music in the globe and that makes it most complicated of all.
As we all know Gospel HipHop is a call, it is paramount we put in heart that it is also an art which requires not only spirituality and rap skills but a deliberate social involvement that can shoot its streams into an avalanche of active fan base. Like other sub genre of Hiphop, we should do our homework and draw attention that we may attain a state of relevance in the Nigerian/African Hiphop stream at large.
Our sole aim of spreading the gospel to a wide coverage via Hiphop cannot be reached if we keep restricting ourselves and feel the mainstream is meant for secular folks only. (Matthew 5:13; "Ye are the salt of the earth: but if the salt have lost his savour, wherewith shall it be salted? it is thenceforth good for nothing, but to be cast out, and to be trodden under foot of men"
KJV). Therefore, "If we must achieve wide impact, attaining relevance is prerequisite".
We have to be 100℅ given to all aspects of what we do, Gospel HipHop is not a limitation neither can it be limited by art, religion nor culture. We can think beyond the norm, take ground breaking measures and beat the odds; "Acceptance is free commodity if you know where and how to get it".
In my opinion, our spirituality alone is not enough to turn the wheels and pull numbers in a genre that has to do with creativity...I've heard fellow artist say its not about numbers, forgetting that the massive pull of crowd was one of the attributes that has made Jesus ministry on earth exceptional till date.
Conclusively, (Romans 8:1; "There is therefore now no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus, who don’t walk according to the flesh, but according to the Spirit."
Amplified Bible); instead of lyrics that condemn, lets put all efforts towards our biggest mandate which is to preach "the Gospel" via Hiphop, that salvation be to all men willing to receive Christ into their hearts. (John 12:32; "And I, if I am lifted up from the earth, will draw all people to myself.”"
Amplified Bible)
May God grant us the grace to finish our course with Joy. Amen!


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