Only lazy Nigerians will be hungry, Nigeria Custom Chief says

Jeremiah Genesis Ezra
By -
“Mr. President today, I have to ration the
rice. That is a fiscal discipline. Now, I know
how to cut my coat according to my size
and that is all because of you Mr. President.
What else can we ask for?
“Mr. President, those of us that you gave
trust and asked us to go out and work,
today, we are working. We are deriving, not
because of anything especially in areas like
ours, where we step on big men’s toes, we
do that because we know nobody will
come and ask you to talk us and ask us to
stop what we are doing.
“Mr. President, one area that I know
touches your heart is that today we are
about reaching our rice requirement in
Nigeria. Today we are seeing physically
where people are rejecting foreign rice for
local rice, today. Mr. President if you go to
some of our houses, what you will see is
local rice and that is wealth for our people.
“Last year, during the Hajj period when I
went home, many farmers came to me that
they have never had it so good, so much so
that the first 25 people that paid up their
money when Hajj fare was announced
were rice farmers. What more can we say in
terms of growth of wealth?
“People say we are hungry, of course, the
lazy must be hungry because if you do not
work hard, manna doesn’t fall from heaven.
So when people say we are hungry, there
was never a time in Nigeria that food
dropped in the mouth of the people and
there can never be.
“I can go on and on and enumerate what
you have done in just three years of your
administration. But three is not enough to
undo what was done in 16 years. The
destruction, the monumental stealing that
we have witnessed, the destruction of our
structures and our system, it will take more
than eight years to be able to address them
and I believe in three years you have done
wonderfully well.”

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