#Novel Does he worth me? By Emmanuel Rikwen Mercy #Episode1

Jeremiah Genesis Ezra
By -
That day ,I was taken to university for the
first time by my parents. My mum warned
me not to make bad friends but to choose a
friend who has good moral up bringing like
mine .
" some girl s will lead u astray" .she told me.
" face your books and avoid anyone who
will lead u astray"I told her not to worry
about me .I was never going to let them
down.I was going to face my book squarely.
My mum was glad to hear that .my Dad
wasn't left out .when we got to the
university that day ,my parents prayed for
me .my parents were born again Christians .
my mum brought out a huge Bible .she
handed the Bible to me ." dearest ,plz do
read this always ". Hmmm mums ehn De can
advice for Africa lol
I nodded without any My parents both left
me .i took my luggages into the hostel .A
particular girl helped me with my
luggages.she took me to my room ,she
welcom me gladly .she gave me a warm
reception." You are welcome to my room"
she said .
I was happy right from dat day on we
became friends .
" what's your mame?" She asked me
I' m kim joshua " .i replied with a smile .
" wow!" She exclaimed
" what a nice name " she complimented
.once again ,u are welcome to my room.
" if you wouldnt mind whats ur name ?"
"Oh no! Am sorry i didnt tell u my name .my
name is Betty David " she replied with a
smile ." You need to take a nap my dear .
"This is your bed" .pointing to where the
bed was ." Ive laid it so u need to have ur
rest ,kim " she said kindly ."
"Thanks alot ". "When u ve rested ,if u
wouldnt mind,i'll like you to gist me the
latest things happening on campus ".i
resquested .
"Its okay but you ve to rest before "
Never mind you can just start the gist my
ears are ready ."i told her with a smiling face
" gist about what ? "
" about things happening on campus
Ofcourse !"
" oh! I see .a campus is another world on its
own which has both the good nd d bad!"
" wow ! It seems you know alot ,please go
on ,am all ears with u ..i,m enjoying this
Fast forward
It was already 7: 10 pm ..i was already tired
but i was still enjoying our discussion ,it
came to a certain time dat she had to
confess ..
" am exhausted my dear, we need to rest
now we have alot tomorrow to cover up ."
She spoke up trying to cover herself with a
blaket .
" on a condition. U will continue tomorrow?
" I' ll. she replied positively ...
hesitation. After everything my parents still
prayed for me again . Mum hugged me
tightly nd I felt like she shouldn't let go of
me .

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